I know this page is supposed to be about me, but I would be remiss not to mention Rick Riordan. My passion for writing grew out of reading, specifically the Percy Jackson books. In circa 2007, the moment my older brother left the first book in this newish series unfinished on the kitchen table, I picked it up and it became mine. Since then, I’ve gone on to write multiple stories, (which I hope to share with you), earn my bachelor’s in English Literature and my MFA in screenwriting, travel the world while studying literature, explore many different mediums of storytelling, and meet some cool friends who also love writing. So, thank you to Rick Riordan for opening the door to this world for me and bringing me here.

I was asked once how I would describe my voice. Voice, in this example, meaning the overall common thread that ties my various works together. At the time, I panicked and butchered my answer, saying ‘I’m a fantasy writer’. I was gently corrected, that was a genre and not a common thread (Yes, it still haunts me to this day). Because the truth is, I’m not just a fantasy writer. While most of my major works now, and hopefully in the future, are fantastical in nature, not all of them are. But there is a common thread between them, whether they take place in this world or a secondary one. I write smart characters and quick dialogue. I write about escaping, whether that be from something tangible (like a home, a country, a business, or a person) or something intangible (like a fate, a fear, a prophecy, a reputation, or a responsibility), and I write about the struggles and the hope that occurs throughout these journeys.

If this sounds like your cup of tea, please check out my project pages for my scripts, films, and novels, and feel free to browse! You can also follow me on social media to keep up with announcements and sneak peeks of my writing, my process, and my life in general.

Most of all, thank you for taking the time to check out my page!

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